FLC Course: Doing Subaltern Linguistics


Free Linguistics Conference (FLC) is excited to announce the launch of our first Free Online Course: “Doing Subaltern Research”, led by Ahmar Mahboob. [Click here to register for the course]

Subaltern linguistics is a linguistics carried out by and for a community’s self-empowerment, well-being, and prosperity. Subaltern linguistics can be carried out by anyone. And, it can be done in any language. The goal of subaltern linguistics is to create economies, practices, projects, and resources that can be made and used by community members and leaders to develop and promote community beneficial socio-semiotic processes in their own language (or a language of their choice).

The goal of this course is to encourage participants to create and share resources that address local needs.

To complete the course, participants will be required to carry out two short projects:

Project 1: create a social awareness campaign on an issue of local urgency (for example: safe driving, misuse of antibiotics/drugs, bullying, harassment, garbage disposal, etc.) in local language(s). You can carry out this campaign using social media or by posting/circulating leaflets, advertisements, other material.

Project 2: document and share the purpose, design and outcomes of your project in an essay or a short video . You can write/make this in any language, with translation/subtitles in English.

Participants will be guided in developing their work by FLC.

Participants who complete both the projects will be awarded a Certificate of Completion by FLC.

In order to prepare for this course, we recommend that you read: What is Subaltern Linguistics? and Doing Subaltern Linguistics (and the links embedded in this article).


Registration Information 

[Registration for this course is now closed]

Registration and participation in the course is open to all: there are NO restrictions on age, education, gender, language, location, job, training etc.

You may register for yourself, or on behalf of a group of people (e.g. classmates, colleagues, company, family, friends, organisation, school, students, …).

Duration: March 15 – June 15.

Schedule: to be released later.

Cost: $0 — While this course is free of cost, we appreciate donations to keep FLC going.

Registration for this course will close on March 1, 2019